Hey there!

I'm Minna Marsh.

I'm a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Mental Coach. I specialise in trauma healing through a process of long, deep hypnoses.

I live in Helsinki, Finland and work globally.

I've helped 1000+ clients during the past 17 years.

After having survived an abusive childhood  and its consequences, it is my calling to help others who are dealing with unresolved trauma.




Hey there!

I'm Minna.

I can help you with your goal.

I'm a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Mental Coach. I specialise in trauma healing through a process of long, deep hypnoses.

I live in Helsinki, Finland and work globally.

I've helped 1000+ clients during the past 17 years.

After having survived an abusive childhood  and its consequences, it is my calling to help others who are dealing with unresolved trauma.


WHAT IS trauma hypnotherapy?


If you feel that the reasons behind your issues or symptoms are deep, trauma hypnotherapy can help you heal. This option is preferred by those who have deep mental or emotional blockages that disturb their life (e.g. career, relationships or their own well-being). It is also possible that you feel the need to keep on doing the inner work that is already something familiar to you.

Trauma hypnoses work strongly on past experiences and your relationship with yourself. They are powerful and liberating, breaking old patterns. Often even unexplained symptoms are alleviated by this process.

I've designed this trauma hypnotherapy process to work on the inner on many levels. It has its origins in trauma hypnotherapy from WWI. There are outer wars and there are inner "wars".

In this process, you'll work on letting go of what is no longer serving you and you'll do deep emotional clearing.The process helps you to retrieve your often younger, fragmented parts that may still be stuck or too influenced by past traumatic experiences. 

This is by far my most popular product, regardless of my client's field or background.

This is what you will get:

  • 6-7 long deep hypnoses in live meetings and/or as recordings. The process takes about 7 weeks. The hypnoses are about 45-65 minutes long.

  • After the process, you can download for yourself all the hypnoses as clearly labeled recordings, so you know what can be later used for what, and you can use them for your benefit in the future whenever needed.

  • Unlimited online support, usually on WhatsApp.


If you want to speed up the process or slow it down, that's totally possible.

The whole process can also be done in two days.

The method is safe, deep and healing.

Please contact me and I will be happy to tell you more.

WhatsApp +358442802306



17 years as a coach

I am Finland's first Mental Coach. In 2007 I created the job of my dreams for myself and still going. It's been such a rich journey.

My clients

  • From 40 different sports, including ice hockey
  • CEOs and big companies
  • Children and teens
  • A wide range of adults who want help with their goals – almost any goal 

I've developed a wide array of coaching tools for the benefit of my clients.

Custom Therapy

As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist I often combine methods from coaching and hypnotherapy, because they are a winning combo.

As a client you can always choose whether you want hypnotherapy or rather stick with coaching only. I can also help you make that decision.

Tell me about your situation and I'll see how I could best be of help for you.


What My Clients Say

"I was in psychotherapy for three years. The sessions with Minna helped me much more."

"Minna asked the right questions, and she did it boldly."

"I'm no longer anxious and my performance levels as an athlete are much better, thanks to trauma hypnotherapy."

"There were many things I had known about my past, but only with the help of these hypnoses I really understood how past experiences had affected me. It was a deep release on an emotional level."

"I no longer hear that negative voice of a relative inside my head."

 "I am more relaxed now around people."

"I started to understand how worthy I am. I really love myself now. That's a big change."

"All my inner children now live with me, and I'm able to be a safe adult for them. It's a new journey, but I'm learning."

"A stubborn chronic pain disappeared."

"I was able to leave my job and find a new one just like that. Also, sex feels great again after a long break."

"These hypnoses made me turn my life around. I'm no longer in an abusive relationship."

"A horrible journey, but a good one."

"You witch!"


More about me

My intuition in client work is usually spot on when I meet a client. Building a bridge of trust is essential as my clients need to feel that I'm their person - someone they can trust.

I welcome challenges from my clients. You may be depressed and unemployed or perhaps you're a top athlete with  loads of anxiety. I can help you to find the answers that work for you.

California was my home for five years, but I now live in Helsinki. My time in the US has influenced my work in a big way. I don't shy away from difficult cases and the more honest you can be with me and the more humble you can get with yourself, the better the results.

I help you go as deep as it is possible for you, for lasting results.




You can reach me easily!

Pricing | Appointments | Requests

▫️ email: minna (at) minnamarsh.com

▫️ WhatsApp:

+358 44 280 2306

▫️ Instagram

▫️ Facebook




I work in the field of clinical hypnotherapy. This type of hypnotherapy can be used as a complementary treatment also for anyone with a diagnosed physical or psychological dis-ease.


Hypnotherapy is highly helpful when dealing with negative automatic thinking, weight challenges, smoking, fears, phobias, insomnia, stress, addictions, allergies, IBS,  chronic pain and self-esteem issues. And these are not all!


I can’t hypnotize you to do anything you don’t want to do. You are more likely to feel calm and open for new thoughts and viewpoints. The worst that can happen during hypnosis is that you fall asleep, and even that is not dangerous.